Chakra Six: Brow(Third Eye) + Light
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour.” William Blake
Good day everybody!
Here we are. Putting in the work to create personal freedom. And I won’t sugar coat it, this chakra is difficult to process. It’s like trying to look at something that is zooming around at 1000mph. Nevertheless, we will try. And I will do my best to break down the components to understanding this area physically and metaphysically. Truthfully, I will need to update this post at a later date when I have a broader grasp of the concepts.
The next part of developing our awareness is all about visualization. The subconscious is elated when we are able to shift from “looking” at something, to “seeing” something. We can reveal anything with vision. Vision is about combining things we have seen or felt, referencing that data, and taking it to new heights. Everything that has ever happened to you is valuable for this reason. We must find ways to sweep away the clutter of busy-ness and noise, (purification from the lower five chakras) to see. In this chakra we are ready to fly; perceive free of time and space.
Welcome back to your space, where you have a mat, water, and a journal. Maybe you have changed the scarf over the lamp to Indigo (Darkish Blue/Purple).
As we give allowance to and space for the principle of change, I will continue to present these Chakra journeys in slightly different ways. Not the same way works for everybody, and sometimes you need to see something in a different perspective to actually want to do it.
The quoted readings and some exercises come from the book Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, PhD. All other sources are noted. These posts will be written as both blog and journal; I have taken this journey to create it. My aim is simply to share information I have found useful. Any mistakes are my own.
Today we will start back again with Sushumna Breathing Activation. To tag team the breathing grounding, we will add in some visualization for the Third Eye Chakra. Proceed in a seated or standing, comfortable position, and start this video at minute 19:40. As the instructor walks us through a guided scene, incorporate your Sushumna breath with the visualizations.
This short film brought me so much joy from it’s simplicity. The child-like mind is something a lot of us have repressed and discredited. This film is a beautiful confluence of perspective, imagination, and tangible matter that can be created by listening and visualizing.
Cute, huh? Stories are shaped from simply following what you can see, and allowing that vision to morph. Our first prompt today is to create a story from randomness in 10 minutes. Let go of reality and what creates a “good” story…look at the words and see what is drawn together, and what that light of connection will create…
- Pick a nearby book (or even use your journal responses!)
- Close your eyes, point, land, and pick 10 words at random from different pages.
- Create a short paragraph using all of the words in their own new world
- These words carried a tone of despair in my head, but they formed to be just the start to a new venture…I quite would like to see what happens next to my accordion friend in Elysium…
I would love to see your story in the comments 🙂
“Ajna” Sanskrit for “ to perceive, to command ”
Associated Weighty Words: Light, Color, Seeing, Intuition, Visualization, Imagination, Clairvoyance, Vision
The Table below is a non-exhaustive list of physical and mental, we will call them “charms”, which you can work with for each Chakra. “Work with” would be to feel (location on body), visual imagination, do (activate body part), eat, smell, watch, listen, etc. – Well that just means, using all your senses! How very Tantra of us 😉
Whether or not we have physical sight, the ability to “see” is the most precious gift of our consciousness. It gives us light in darkness. Through our ability to see or feel spatial relationships, we are able to construct patterns in our mind that give us a sense of the world. In this way we recall memories, and we imagine the future. Because we are able to see what is not really there…begs the question of what is reality. In some senses we are shaded by the universe (veil of maya?) because we are unable to see everything at once: we have barriers of time and space. However, spatial knowledge is a earthly tool in our consciousness to construct our systems which bring us imaginative imagery, into manifestation.
- Third Eye, Brow Chakra utilizes the element of light to guide our perception of what we can “see”
- Some people are truly born with a little less “shield” and are naturally clairvoyant
- Children are just tiny adults who can see very purely, less restraint of sight
- Anyone can train themselves to be highly aware and observant of the physical world; i.e. detectives, investigators, scientists more often recognizing what is not in a scene, than what is.
- Intuition is our subconscious’ “like” or “dislike” response to all of the energies and circumstances of time and space that we cannot see or know concretely. Intuition is a way to see without visuals.
Perception: the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment. Perception is the beginning of us understanding the organization of systems: how do I feel from this info/environment, leads to how you will “see” that thing.
For example, if I perceive Christianity is the only valid belief system, I will see the Chakra System as a bunch of malarkey. If I perceive something which is broken is trash, I will never see the possibilities of it’s re-use or reconfiguration.
This video beautifully packaged my desires for this Chakra Series – compiling information, but taking it out of the computer, and into the body. Comment your thoughts on if it worked!
The 6th Chakra study finally revealed to me just WHY the Third Eye was named so.
- Turns out, it has to do with a member of the Endocrine System; the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland, is a tiny “pinecone” shaped gland situated smack dab in the center of the head.
- Inutero, the body began to develop a third eye, but it never fully forms, and degenerates to be the Pineal Gland (at our present evolution)
- The pineal gland is a light-perceiving organ, acting as a sort of “light meter” for the body, hence the similarity to the eyes.
- This gland translates light from the retinas, into hormonal messages, sent around the body by the autonomic nervous system (alone, without conscious help)
- Over 100 body functions have daily rhythms which are influenced by exposure to light
- “influencing everything from locomotor and sleep/wake cycles to hormonal rhythms, circadian rhythms, metabolism and cognitive performance” – Frontiers in Neurology
- The major substance produced is Melatonin
- Melatonin hormone is triggered to produce when there is less light. It is being researched as a OTC sleep aid, and its role in reducing stress, bolstering the immune system, even slow aging. Melatonin production decreases with age. Low levels of melatonin are commonly found in people with depression, higher than normal levels are found in people with frequent manic states.
- The pineal gland has been called the “seat of the soul” by many scientists and civilizations because of its location between the physical and spiritual worlds- what is tangible versus what can be “seen” which in a sense is all illusory!
- “Egyptians, Indians, Assyrians, Mexicans, Greeks, Romans and Sumerians have all depicted pinecones in their ancient art, usually in their religious portrayals of gods or holy people. Lamps and candleholders in the Catholic church also seem to have pinecones on them, which could show that the church sees the pineal gland as a source of illumination to show them the way and lead them out of the darkness, similar to what we use our eyes for.” Penn State
- The retinas and the pineal gland share this responsibility for the recognition and processing of light in the body, which is why this area of the body is associated with “seeing”
- The eyes are the organs which take in light, the cornea focuses the view, the iris reduces or expands how much light enters, streaming into the back of the eyeball, the retina. Light hits “rods and cones” on the retina, igniting a chemical reaction which triggers nerve impulses conducted along the optic nerve, into the brain. Light does not enter the brain, the brain transcribes the electrical impulses into patterns, creating a vision
- (pixels of color)
- “It is not our eyes that see, but our minds”
- It is not matter which we perceive, but the light bouncing off matter which forms an meaningful picture in our minds
- We can confirm the matter by touching it, but we can only grasp the outer edge of the matter
- It is estimated that in a sighted person, up to 90% of the information we take in about our surroundings is through our vision. But much of that is by selective focus. Our peripherals are fuzzy, as is any part of our view which we are not directly staring at.
- Here is a brief video showing the waves of light, similar to sound. Again we confirm that our universe is a enormous bundle of waves, frequencies, vibrations imperceptible to our cognition, yet they affect everything, including our health
“Every creature is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions. The human body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy (the science of using colors to adjust body vibrations to frequencies of alignment for different systems), is composed of colors.
- “The body comes into existence from colors, the body is stimulated by colors and colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in the body. All organs and limbs of the body have their own distinct color. All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly.” A. Judith
- “Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of energy that are prime activators of the biochemical and hormonal processes in the human body, the stimulants or sedatives necessary to balance the entire system and its organs” NCBI
- The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern found in the body. For in every organ there is an energetic level at which the organ functions best. Any departure from that vibratory rate results in pathology, whereas restoring the appropriate energy levels to the physical organs results in a healed body” – NCBI
- Doctors have even treated patients with success through Chromotherapy – matching vibrations with color to ignite the body’s natural healing processes.
- Use of color is everywhere from hospital design, to use in saunas
- My favorite tool for Chromotherapy is wearing colored lens’! By far the cheapest option, and it truly is a mood booster
What color do I feel like when I am very happy?
Is there a room in my life that rubs me the wrong way simply because of the color? What could I add to the room change that feeling?
The next theory that has a place in the sixth chakra, is the Holographic Theory
- As we try to understand how we see light and conduct a visual in our mind, it is useful to understand how a hologram works
- The two principles of holography are: interference and diffraction of light waves
- Interference is a way to stop a photon (which moves at the speed of light) so it can be photographed. The way to stop it is to send out another light wave, and where the two cross (they are unaffected) but where they cross is called a standing wave – it is still at this point
- To capture the standing wave on film, a laser light (at the same wavelength frequency of the photons) is shined at the interference. The Holographic possibilities really elaborated after the invention of the laser in 1960
- At interference where the crests of the waves meet, they grow larger, where the troughs meet, they grown smaller – where a crest and a trough meet, they cancel out and light is not seen
- The interference pattern from the object you are using to create the hologram is unique, like a fingerprint
- Object Wave bounces off the object of the hologram to be made
- Reference Wave is produced by a second wave of light not of the object
- The interference of the waves, creates a standing wave, which fall onto the photographic plate. Looking at the plate itself you would only see coded information looking like black and white swirls. To “show” this data, two laser beams of the same frequency as the original light, intersect at this plate, and a 3D holograph will “pop up”
- Even if a holographic plate breaks,any piece of the plate would be able to reproduce the image, though with less detail the smaller the piece is – called omnipresence
- Many holograms can be recorded on the same plate, only requiring different frequencies to see – this is called being “nonspatial”
- In these ways, the brain has been compared to function like a hologram
- Karl Pribram’s theory in 1946 that the brain is constantly interpreting interference patterns of brain waves
- In his studies on rats and monkeys for where memory is stored, he discovered it was stored omnipresently – like a holographic plate. When brain tissue was removed, memories became fuzzier but they did not disappear
- Memories are often triggered by reference beams to be revealed with more clarity – as our mind truly stores every memory ever made
- “When we view an object, light is transformed into neural frequency patterns in the brain – we hold trillions of possible connections”
- The waves of these electric impulses create our perception and memory, and are stored as encoded frequencies, as the holographic plate, waiting to be triggered by the original wave frequency to recall a memory. This occurs when you smell something familiar or see a familiar face
- “Our perception of the world around us seems to be a reconstruction of a neural hologram within the brain”
- “Mind isn’t located in a place. What we have is a holograph-like machinery that turns out images, which we perceive as existing somewhere outside the machinery. Not only do we construct our perceptions of the world, but we also go out and construct those perceptions IN the world. We make tables and bicycles and musical instruments because we can think of them” Karl Pribram
- We can think of our Third Eye as the plate which we view these images
- There are other holographic theories, “holo-flux”, suggesting that the universe itself may be a hologram. We are enfolded into the universe as small pieces, individuals that can still reflect the whole. You have heard the quote about the universe being in a grain of sand… this is the theory that tries to prove that. The point being, we are all waiting for the right reference beams to trigger insight into the cosmos – the greater intelligence of the universe as it has been, and always will be, devoid of time.
- This study of holograms asks us to think about trimming down the walls of self ego, to visualize the universe as one, living and learning from each other, and experiencing the omnipresent reference beams. To create, unfold, and connect the dots…or beams 😉
- By using information we have experienced, we can visualize forms, and ignite our imagination. This is how we connect the dots between the inside and outside worlds.
- The sixth chakra transcends the body form, and lives in the head cavity; acknowledging the greater cosmos of light, color, and single-minded focus outside the tangible world
- visualization is a tool for manifestation. Directly focusing on your visual, over and over again with lots of practice, and using the tools and direction of the other chakras to bring you in balance, will create the imagined object/artwork/job due to the principles of energy affinity.
- Some reasons that visions don’t manifest is the amount of interference that occurs on the route to manifestation; other people or world circumstances, fears from the unconscious, or an underdeveloped vision
- If you don’t feel progression in manifesting your vision, revisit these ideas
- A significant part of the Third Eye Chakra is visualization which turns into “all seeing” – clairvoyance and psychic abilities
- Clairvoyance is the process of looking not at objects, but the fields around them, what forms the relationship to the object – to see the subtleness
- To take a small piece of information and understand how it fits into the whole, creating deeper clarity
- “Can you create a vivid picture of a car you would like to have? That car may never be yours to own, so your visualization is called imagination, even though it may seem just as real as your memory. If however, you won a sweepstakes, and a car such as the one you just visualized came to you, then your vision would be considered precognitive- a form of clairvoyance. Through development of visualization and imagination, we simultaneously develop the means for clairvoyance – specified visualization.” Anodea Judith
- In learning to focus the mind, we can more clearly see where the reference waves cross, and “light up” – whether that be viewing a person’s aura, reading tarot cards, recalling a memory (even outside your own), or envisioning the future
- Keep testing your skills by paying greater attention to your surroundings at all times, and practice recalling memories
Recall your day yesterday. From start to finish, remember the actions, colors, sounds, and feelings. Daily practice in this will create greater clarity of the mind’s data.
Whenever you have the time, there is an inspired story by Roald Dahl, the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Matilda. This is from a book of his more adult stories, though if I remember right the story is suitable for children. It speaks to the great power of practicing to focus the mind.
Okay ya’ll, how are we feeling!? I know I’m feeling a bit strained from the work – focusing so long in my head! I think it’s time to jump into a yoga session. Scroll back up to the very first video of this session, to start from the beginning, a great yoga flow for the Third Eye with Anna, if her light was calling you. If not, below is another strong flow by Allie the Journey Junkie (whom we followed at the Solar Plexus Chakra 3). Use your intuition to decide! Afterward, stay on your mat to wrap up with some Journaling 🙂
What is the Universe teaching me through my recent experiences?
Describe a difficult problem you recently solved. What steps did you take. What emotions did you feel during? How did you feel afterwards?
Can I easily dream or envision my future?
As we have seen, Third Eye Chakra is all about vision. As a parting note, I will leave some information about psychedelic drugs which can induce greater vision experiences, opening the mind beyond the veil. Psychedelics include: LSD, Psilocybin (Mushrooms), Peyote (Mescaline), DMT, PCP, Ketamine. Denver, CO and Oakland, CA have decriminalized “magic mushrooms”, and it seems the coming years will see further progress in legality, like marijuana, because of the potent healing experiences created by their consumption. These drugs are not yet legal, but there are guides and researchers out there who can be contacted (last link) for more insight into this world if you choose to incorporate this path into your journey. Be smart, be safe.
The last thing I have for you today is a relaxation tool called ASMR – Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. This is a tangent paradise, let me tell you. The first video explains the scope of the technique, and the next one I encourage you to listen to as you lay down to sleep tonight; drift away sweet dreamers!
What a ride this has been! Our next and final Chakra in this series is the Crown, 7th Chakra of consciousness! Rest up tonight and integrate what you have experienced thus far. Just like the clairvoyant exercise, recall what you have done, what you wrote, what you felt. Visualize yourself in your memory doing those things. You are right where you should be; expanding your awareness to connect to the greater events of the universe.
With Health and Happiness we go,