Chakra Seven: Crown + Thought
“Existence itself is but a vortex of conscious organization” Anodea Judith
Welcome to the platform. We have arrived, as well as just begun.
Regardless of any thing at all; any stalls, interruptions, or mood changes, I hope you sit proudly on your seat. You have taken a sacred path of personal revelation with courage and curiosity, and most of all heart. How did you sleep? My dreams were scattered and in-cohesive, but vivid last night! It has truly impressed me how much learning and working with the chakras has affected my being in micro and macro ways; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My efforts during this journey to answer tough questions have felt liberating, but what I know for certain is I’ve loved building habits just by showing up. Habits that feed my Bodinuity.
Welcome back to your space, where you have a mat, water, and a journal. Maybe you have changed the scarf over the lamp to Violet or White.
As we give allowance to and space for the principle of change, I will continue to present these Chakra journeys in slightly different ways. Not the same way works for everybody, and sometimes you need to see something in a different perspective to actually want to do it.
The material presented is summarized and quoted from the book Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, PhD. All other sources are noted. These posts will be written as both blog and journal; I have taken this journey to create it. My aim is simply to share information I have found useful. Any mistakes are my own.
Once more, we will start today’s journey with Sushumna Breathing Activation. If there is one thing that sticks with you from this series, let it be breathwork. Your energetic life force, daily health and wellbeing depend on oxygenation which is deep and conscious.
Practice your breathing from the length of the video below (3:50). You can close your eyes as before, or try watching the video…as long as your breath is steady. Recognize if the video or the music distracts you.
Hold this Crown Chakra Affirmation with you: I am open to Divine Wisdom
“Sahasrara” Sanskrit for “Thousandfold”
Associated Weighty Words: Consciousness, Thought, Information, Knowing, Understanding, Transcendence, Immanence, Meditation
The Table below is a non-exhaustive list of physical and mental, we will call them “charms”, which you can work with for each Chakra. “Work with” would be to feel (location on body), visual imagination, do (activate body part), eat, smell, watch, listen, etc. – Well that just means, using all your senses! How very Tantra of us 😉
The Seventh Chakra’s “crown” is a thousand-petaled Lotus Flower, eternally blooming.
“The Crown Chakra represents the ruling principle of life – the place where the underlying order and meaning of all things is perceived. It is the pervading consciousness that thinks, reasons, and gives form and focus to our activities. It is the true essence of being: as the awareness that dwells within. In the unconscious, it is the wisdom of the body. In the conscious mind, it is the intellect of our belief systems. In the superconscious, it is the awareness of the divine.” Anodea Judith
That last sentence is the bomb. Not only have we weaved in so many philosophies, therapies, emotions, metal wranglings, but now we introduce another layer(s) of consciousness! Thankfully, they actually cover mostly what we have already discovered…the feelings of our bodies, and what we see as our truths. Now…we incorporate universal awareness:
The crown has always been a symbol for power, and even for immortality. The crown was a symbol for the everlasting monarchy. In the case of tantra philosophy, the crown represents the everlasting universe. Upon the death of our physical body, our energy will be transferred to another “state”, but as in the hologram, the data that made up our earthly life never disappears.
- After aligning our lower chakras, the energy built into the Crown Chakra gives us access to the realm of infinite data of the universe. Of that data, (which we can find by technology, meditation, and experiences) we reference and we use our intuition to follow the light of our unique souls.
- The information which we become conscious of, is the “perceived lines of order that make up one’s personal operating system”.
- From the very first thing we see as a baby, to the news on the TV, we spend our lives trying to organize what we see around us – to file experiences in some organized way, like the Dewey decimal system at the library. Words, colors, sounds, shapes, all are ways to reference the information so it may appear at a later time on purpose or by chance.
- This is why our attention is so important – if we don’t have a full image to reference, we have less to categorize and recall for imagination, visualization, and innovations.
- Not that we can remember everything, but being present and mindful helps us make connections.
- Making logic of random data is the organizational function of our brain. Hell, that’s what we are doing with the Chakra System, that’s what Religions do, what the Government does, how Evolution progresses, simply how nature works; organizing the matrix. To Hindus, order is the underlying universal reality. Everything is built on the organization to simplify (bring the chaos of information, group it into similar concepts of nearby reference points, to unify the greater whole)
- A reminder on what decreases unity, as you will recall from Chakra 4:
- Jealousy
- Homophobia
- Ageism
- Racism
- Withholding Love, for fear of rejection
- Never forget that the universe is a complex system – there is infinite amount of information to process which can play out in an infinite amount of ways
- The alignment of our Chakras is a viable tool to help us simplify what we take in – so that we can find our soul’s affinity. Follow the levels, and see where you feel a push or a pull.
- If we can all manifest what is in our being, that helps every single other being awakening into existence (literally being born as well as mentally being aware). Still, You are only responsible for yourself; when you reach your crown of consciousness, you have lit up the tapestry of the universe and are congruent in it’s vibration.
- Unifying your person, from your journey in alignment – that allows others to find their soul’s affinity – you need nothing from them, so they have more power to focus on themselves.
- “Real queens fix each other’s crowns, but they fix their own first” Pattiegonia
How do I process information? Which of my senses do I use first? Do I see a lump “attack” or do I view many overwhelming pieces?
- The seed, our Kundalini, grew from the base of our being, rooted firmly in the ground to make us aware of who we are. We nurtured the seed through the elements, encountering yin and yang, dancing to find our rhythm, till we bloomed into the level of consciousness where we are joined with everything that has been, and everything that will be.
- The catch to this whole “destination” is, once you reach this “enlightenment”, it is almost impossible to not start manifesting what is in your soul! This is why I said in the ‘welcome’, we have arrived, to begin.
- Having access to consciousness, and an infinite body of information, we can bring these ideas back through our chakras, manifesting our desires and inspirations.
- The Chakras are energetic centers which have relation to every part of the human experience. We don’t just receive information, humans process everything. Processing is the natural way of coming back into balance.
- In this way, it is important to remember that information will always interact, sometimes interfere with your being. The more we can let that energy pass through open energy centers, the more we will stay in alignment with access to a fully functioning and powerful Sushuma current, directly connected to the earth and the infinite.
- In this, we can be fully liberated and happy in our manifestations, an eternal energy in the universe.
What is a mental block I carry in my life? What would happen if I put it down?
Consciousness Activity: Pick an item in the room you are in, get close to it, and study the object for 2 minutes. Let your mind intake all of its peculiarities, ponder its shape, how it was made, how it tastes, smells, sounds. Then take the next minute to close your eyes, and study the visual in your mind. Try to keep it clear, call it back when your mind begins to wander. Use the timer on your phone
Our Crown Chakra relates to the brain as the seat of our awareness. We are the witness of our consciousness; we are able to watch what our mind is creating.
- “The mind is a stage for the play of consciousness, and can bring us comedy or tragedy, excitement or boredom. We are the privileged audience that gets to watch the play, although sometimes we identify so completely with the characters on stage (with our thoughts) that we forget it is only a play.”
- We especially get wrapped up in our emotions and that character dominates our actions. On the other hand, we can be numbed by hardships, “failures”, and poor health.
- Our awareness of the scene, awareness of balance, awareness of the infinite reference points available to us to change our mental and physical states, is our biggest helping hand to quiet the stage. Feeling lonely is a normal perception, but lingering there will clog your energy. Go do those little things that light you up to start. When the scale tips back to loneliness, keep trying new or beloved connections, and reach out to the right people for help.
- All one needs is their innate ability to make connections in the path to harmony.
Name 10 sources I can reach out to when I need help. Include connections you may not have yet like a therapist, trainer, or online course to keep you engaged in activity. Your sources of help won’t all be folks you can spill your life to, but they can raise you up in at least one of the sectors of your Wheel of Life (Chakra 2).
- “Our brain contains 13 billion interconnected nerve cells, capable of making more connections among themselves than the number of stars in the whole universe. (Harold Bloomfield) This is a remarkable statement. Our brains as instruments of awareness are virtually limitless. There are 100 millions sensory receptors within the body, and ten trillion synapses in the nervous system, making the mind 100,000 times more sensitive to its internal environment than to its external one. So it is truly from a place within that we receive and assimilate most of our knowledge.” Anodea Judith
- “Conception begins when a pattern is adequately received”
- The “ah-ha!” moment when all of the information hits the right frequencies to form a pattern we can read
- “Consciousness is the field of patterns from which manifestation emerges”
- It is not an invisible concept, consciousness is all around us – in a reusable water bottle, in an elevator, in a tree – the pattern was seen (through liberation of cohesive energies/frequencies) and the soul manifested it into our reality. So beautiful to see that everything on this earth was a product of something manifesting what is in their soul. We all have this capability.
- “The search for meaning is the driving force for consciousness and the search for the underlying experience of unity. When our own lives have meaning, they become part of a larger structure. Meaning is the pattern that connects.”
- Meaning gives us our individual operating system -composed of organized information lines. Not all information is meaningful to every situation, so the meaning of the situation is crucial to what connects the information.
- Upon the descent of consciousness, the information is seen in our minds as an organized pattern – giving us a sense of order
- With order, we can integrate information into the unifying wholeness of existence (manifestation)
- Consider the rapid progression of technology in the past 200 years – each new piece incorporated pieces from past inventions, left out the incohesive elements to create a more efficient version
- “That within us which seeks to know and to progress is not the mind but something behind it which makes use of it” Sri Aurobindo
Name the top 4 most meaningful things in your life you would be lost without. (People, Place, Things, Feelings? Try not to name technologies but name what they give you: car- travel)
- Morphogenetic Field: coined by biologist Rupert Sheldrake meaning “form coming into being”
- His theory states that the universe doesn’t function from “laws” as much as by “habits” – patterns created by the repetition of events over time. A memory of nature.
- The repetition of habits creates “a field in a higher dimension” which increases the likelihood that events will fall into pattern
- Once the field is established, it builds up in strength through repetition, and eventually dictates future forms and actions in the manifest world
- Judith uses the example “male supremacy” instilled in the world for thousands of years. As more women find power and strength in feminism, a morphogenetic field is being created, to the effect that the future generations of men and women may have a new belief system incorporating the two.
- Another example is the tool to drive two substances together – we needed that tool so often that now we all know what a hammer is
- The point of bringing in this biological theory is its effect on our consciousness – manifestation link. What we do in the tangible world through habit, can dictate future forms of the tangible world
- If everyone on earth began meditating 5 minutes a day, a field would be created by this repetition,eventually imparting on our physical evolution the good effects of this habit: decreased inflammatory response, improved mental attention due to increased frequency of Theta waves
- There is an ENORMOUS amount of energy happening at all times – you know this. Light, sounds, mental and physical stress, etc. – how can one make sense of any of it (find patterns) without consciously taking the time to slow down and clear out?
- There are two type of consciousness and they depend on awareness, or lacktherof
- Cognitive Consciousness: Rides the descending current, drawing attention to concrete information, used to manifest. Is a result of limiting the attention to focus. It thinks, reasons, learns, and stores information. The lower part of the Crown Chakra.
- Transcendent Consciousness: Expands and travels outward to outer realms. Outside of the finite world of things and relationships – consciousness without an object, weightless, free, meta-awareness.
- “To perceive higher order implies a greater distancing from the minute and particular. Paradoxically, this opening beyond cognition has the result of increasing the scope of our focused attention. By emptying the mind, that which remains is more pronounced, like finding someone alone in a field of snow as opposed to a busy street.” Anodea Judith
- Every source will tell you the same tool to develop your Crown Chakra: meditation
- Meditation is the key to your inner world, and to transcend beyond
- Meditation is an “end, and a means” – just like the 7th chakra! This means the end is the central harmonization we achieve by unity from single-focused-thinking, yet the act of doing this is also the means for clarity, better mental and physical being, which aligns us into unity.
- “Meditation can take on many forms, but they must enhance, soothe, and harmonize the vibrational aspects of the mind and body, cleansing the mind of its habitual clutter.”
- Breathwork, mantras, chromotherapy, visualization, walking or moving with awareness, soundbaths, mindfulness, etc.
- The more we load on our bodies, the body has no room to flow. Like a dishwasher, only so much can fit – time to run a bath. The mind takes on even more than the body, yet we wash our bodies daily.
- The key to meditation is to simply focus on one thing. Single-minded actions are so often the key to success. Just like picking the ONE thing in a day you need to do to manifest your goals, calm your mind by focusing on one thing at a time.
This falls into the category of blogger’s in-decision posting two videos on the same topic. But honestly, not only is mindfulness presented in slightly different (but equal) ways, they are short, and they are both pleasantly illustrated. Which is your favorite?
The Crown Chakra is all about thought. It’s not so simple, as we were created with extraordinary and expansive abilities from our ancestors’ evolution. What I hope you have felt here is that you have so much to explore. By periodically focusing and then expanding, and welcoming the dance of polarity, your liberating and manifesting currents will make you infinite. You only live in a limited world if you manifest one.
Conclusions of the Crown Chakra: Information, organization, and meaning are omnipresent in conscious states. We each have access to the infinite world through our thoughts.
You guys…we have arrived…we are at the seat of self. A lot of our journey was to “undo” things; clear the path. Did you knock down some mental blocks, did you find your flow, did you open your heart, did you connect what lights you up, did you envision your future without those blocks? One final word from my dear friend, Anodea Judith: “Answers can be things, but it is the questions that are the process to becoming”. Wherever you go from here, may the theories of Tantra and the enjoyment of life lead you.
I am grateful for your participation on this Chakra Journey Series. I hope you have found new information to integrate and have felt your spirit rise. Please leave me any feedback on ways I can improve this journey. Which parts were confusing and did not flow? Most of all, I hope that this series has brought a bit of relief to the fears brought on by the coronavirus. Please know that in any tragedy, coming back to the self is a good way to start the healing process. Because you understand the principles and patterns of this system, you can return to Tantra/Chakras at any time for tools, guidance, and endless learning tangents!
This last Yoga Flow I have for you is a bit of a joke…to keep us humble! Haha. The class is very quick… not the kind of yoga I typically practice. Maybe you do, and more power to you! So heads up, this is an advanced class, but that should not prevent you at all from following along. This happens to be the perfect way to practice everything we have been accumulating on this journey. My advice for this session is to test yourself, but trust your gut (intuition). Don’t fill your gut (stomach) before this flow. 🙂 I suggest putting your screen in a place where you can see her best (not an easy class to simply listen). She talks so often and so quick it can be hard to follow precisely – so use her as a guide, but go at the pace of your breath. That is all your Yoga should be about: presence in your breath and your body. I hope I haven’t scared you off, I just want to send you in comfortably prepped and aware. The only reason I’m leaving off with a challenging class is to invoke the balance. She could be someones’ awakening to the potential of yoga practice, or she is the reminder that you have grown so far and you are satisfied with where that is today. Whatever happens in there, leave the mat with a laugh of relief; you are whole, and no experience can take that from you now.
Chakra System pre-Yoga Mantras
Get out of the Comfort Zone
Follow the Breath – make it the priority – if all you do at your mat is breathe, it is enough
With Health and Happiness we go,
Bonus Crown Activation: Remember this is not feminine as in gender specific. We all have masuline and feminine energy inside us; we each have our own range of expressing the polarity in our lives. “Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are another way of labeling the energies of “Receiving” vs “Creating”, “Being” vs “Doing”, “Allowing” vs “Acting”” Isabella. Enjoy this guided meditation and allow your imagination to blossom.