
The Bodinuity Mission

My mission is to provide focused therapeutic touch and co-create a space of healing for individuals at dis-ease in their body, as well as preventative and maintenance therapy to power self-awareness.

Bodinuity Code of Ethics

The organization and practitioners of Bodinuity conduct business within their scope of practice and within all legal requirements of state at all times. I acknowledge the inherent worth of each individual by providing the highest quality of bodywork, individually tailored to those seeking our professional services. I accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental, emotional well-being of clients, self, and associates. I demonstrate professional excellence through regular self-assessment, continued education, and training. I stand by the confidential nature of the professional relationship, and respect rights to client privacy, and not sharing information outside the relationship without written consent. Clients are in a safe space the moment they contact Kaitlin, and while on the table can be assured proper handling and draping of sheets on the client will be used at all times. Bodinuity practitioners will not make a diagnosis, prescribe treatments, or present themself as an expert if not licensed in the matter. We will always urge clients to see appropriate practitioners.

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