CBD oil


Bodinuity is proud to offer high quality massage using high quality Hemp Lotion infused with locally grown CBD oils. I believe with more education about effects, uses, and history of Cannabis, more people can be served by its many benefits.

Cannabis and Hemp have a long history of misinformation and criticism due to decades of prohibition. Hemp has been used as a building block of societies since 8000 BC and continued to be a huge source of economy (fibers, textiles, construction, beauty products, etc.). The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 prohibited farmers from growing industrial Hemp and the laws and propaganda continued through Nixon’s War on Drugs. Other industries viewed Hemp as a threat because it took much less time and space to cultivate hemp for up to 50,000 different uses. These industries produced campaigns associating hemp with marijuana and the rest is history. Today, Hemp is available once again and is being highly researched for its medical benefits.


  • Cannabis: The genus of plant to which both Hemp and Marijuana belong
  • Marijuana: Cannabis plant bred for high THC (the psychoactive “high feeling” cannabinol) content
  • Hemp: Cannabis plant containing less than .3% THC known for it’s high fiber quality
  • THC: A cannabinoid that has psychotropic effects
  • CBD: A cannabidiol that has significant medical benefits but does not make people feel “stoned”
  • Cannabinoid: Chemical compounds in cannabis plants; there are more than 100 active cannabinoids in cannabis
  • Cannabidiol: A cannabinoid that has pain relieving and other effects, minus the psychotropic effects of THC
  • Endocannabinoids: Both CBD and THC are chemicals that bind to receptors at cannabinoid receiver locations within the central nervous system
  • The internal cannabinoid receiver system is a lipid signaling network which modulates many functions of neurons, inflammatory processes, and more. The system is able to down regulate stress related signals that lead to chronic inflammation and pain.

Proven effects of CBD:

  1. Relieves pain and inflammation
  2. Reduces Anxiety – effective in patients with panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, OCD, and PTSD
  3. Helps to fight Cancer – can inhibit cancer cell migration, adhesion, and invasion
  4. Reduces Nausea
  5. Improves quality of sleep
  6. Reduction in seizure frequency
  7. Promotes Cardiovascular health – protects against vascular damage from sugars
  8. Anti-Psychotic Effects – helpful in patients with Schizophrenia, Bipolar episodes, and eases psychotic effects from drugs, alcohol, strokes, brain tumors, brain infections

In short, when CBD oils are applied externally or ingested, they are “magnetically” compelled to dock on proteins along our central nervous system which then adjusts the receivers behavior; altering how we perceive pain, reducing stress signals that cause inflammation.

The lotion Bodinuity uses comes from BOULDER HEMP in Longmont, Colorado. BOULDER HEMP
is “a small collective of scientists and innovators, dedicated to providing access to hemp, and driving scientific hemp research forward.We grow all of our hemp in Boulder County, Colorado–at an elevation of 4,995 feet above sea level, using strictly organic cultivation practices.All products are carefully crafted in small batches, using a science driven approach, and tested by multiple independent labs for purity and potency.” More information can be found on their website:  BOULDER HEMP